Winking Owl Sauvignon Blanc
Variety: Sauvignon Blanc
Region/Country: California, USA
Year: 2017 (From the copyright on the back, not sure if this is the vintage, but it's the only year on the bottle)
Price: $2.95 from Aldi
Online review: 3.0 This white wine opens with nose of citrus and floral. It is dry with light citrus and acidity. flavors of Green Apple, Peach and Citrus. Cheers to all my wine friends. Stay safe and healthy 🍷🥂🍷(user: E Wicus
Tasting notes: The most present note from this wine is green apple, followed by lemon and bell pepper (Wine Folly pg 165-6). I can’t get much else from it. The wine is very acidic and dry.
My review: We drank this as soon as we got back from the store, so we added some ice to chill it fast and it made it taste noticeably better. I enjoyed this wine and I don’t think sweetness is as much of a factor of if I will like a wine or not as I thought. I give it a 6 out of 10.
Food: I drank this wine with Chick-fil-a nuggets and later with feta. It was better with feta than with chicken. I also had some bell pepper when trying to figure out if that was what I was tasting.